Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Just A Biscuit!

“Even though I walk through the vale of deep darkness, I fear no evil, for you are with me…” (Psalm 23:4)

One day, a lady leaving a grocery store through the parking lot noticed a suspicious sight in a nearby parked car. Concerned, she went over and noticed it was a woman slumped over in the driver’s seat. She tapped on the window, asking if something was wrong and if the lady was okay. “No” the woman cried out, “I’ve been shot in the neck!”

Looking around, the “good Samaritan” didn’t see any evidence of gunfire – there was no blood on the lady’s neck, or anywhere else, and no sign of destruction inside the car, either. So, she carefully opened the driver’s side door and lifted the hair covering the woman’s neck (where she claims to have been shot).

To her amazement, the “Samaritan” lady found the cold, gooey dough of a raw biscuit lying stuck to the back of the woman’s neck. Evidently, a can of biscuits in the top of a grocery in the car’s back seat had popped open with a loud “bang,” sending a limp biscuit into the woman’s neck, making her think she’d been shot!

There are some of us today who (like the woman’ in the car) are paralyzed by things in life that make us feel like we’ve been “shot” by something truly dangerous: fear of the future; fear of the past; fear of change; a feeling or sense of hopelessness, insecurity, inadequacy, or depression; fear of what the economy may do to us (or to our family, job, or church); etc.

But when we understand these things in their proper perspective (from the point of view of faith in God), we learn the truth: we’ve only been “shot” with a biscuit – something that may feel or seem deadly, but which in fact has no real power over us at all. The verse above reminds us that not even the “vale of deep darkness” (or “valley of the shadow of death” as it’s sometimes translated) has no power over us if we trust in God’s presence with us.

So, whatever it is in life that you sometimes feel paralyzed by, remember to trust God with and through it – even death itself cannot ultimately hurt one who puts their faith in Christ! Trust in him with all your heart, and He will keep you in peace no matter what fearful things that life “shoots” at you! Remember, God loves you and I do, too!

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