Friday, March 29, 2019

Fast and Feast

“Blow the trumpet in Zion; sanctify a fast; call an assembly” (Joel 2:15)

A number of years ago, Dr. Kevin LaGree, former Dean of the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, once shared a message about the spiritual disciplines of the Christian season of Lent (the 40 days before Easter), which we are currently a little more than halfway through.  

Most of us are familiar with the custom of “fasting” (e.g., giving up) certain things during this period, especially certain types of food.  But Dr. LaGree also challenged those who were listening that the taking on of certain spiritual things is just as vital as the things that we “give up.”

During that message, he said, “Lent is a time to FAST from certain things and FEAST on others.  For example, during Lent, we should….

FAST from judging others; FEAST on Christ dwelling in them.

FAST from discontent; FEAST on gratitude.

FAST from complaining; FEAST on appreciation.        

FAST from bitterness; FEAST on forgiveness.

FAST from discouragement; FEAST on hope.

FAST from apathy; FEAST on enthusiasm.

FAST from suspicion; FEAST on truth.

FAST from thoughts that weaken; FEAST on promises that inspire.

FAST from idle gossip; FEAST on purposeful silence.

FAST from problems that overwhelm; FEAST on prayer that sustains.”

LENT is indeed a time for both fasting and feasting.  My prayer is that as we continue in the remaining weeks and days of this season before Easter, if we haven’t already, each of us will take time to look deep within our lives first to discover those things from which we need to FAST from (give up).  Then, let us also FEAST upon (take on) good things that can draw us closer to God’s presence, plan, and purpose in and for our lives.  

Remember, God loves you and I do, too!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Remembering Our Brokenness

“Have mercy on me, God, according to your faithful love! Wipe away my wrongdoings according to your great compassion! Wash me completely clean of my guilt; purify me from my sin!” (Psalm 51:1-2, CEB)

This Wednesday (March 6, “Ash Wednesday”), Christians around the world will begin our annual journey towards Easter with 40 days (not including Sundays) of spiritual preparation.  Known as “Lent” (from the Anglo-Saxon word lencten, “spring”), it’s a season in which we are reminded of how – like springtime bringing life back to the deadness of winter – the “winters” of our spiritual lives can be brought back to life through Jesus Christ.

As such, one of the major themes of this season is the remembrance of our brokenness and inclination toward sin and wrongdoing as human beings.  In the words of one traditional liturgy for the receiving of ashes, we are asked to “remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  All of this invites us to confront our own mortality, and to confess our own sin and shortcomings before God within His imperfect community of faith, the Church.

When we recall this reality, it tends to put all of our prideful human wisdom and knowledge into proper perspective.  In our human divisions, no longer can we arrogantly proclaim that our “side” has all the “answers” to life, or holds the one and only “correct” view about truth or God’s kingdom.  It reminds us of Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:1-5 about the dangers of judging others of the unrepentant sin in their life before we first judge ourselves for the unrepentant sin in our own – “first take the log out of your eye, and then you’ll see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother’s or sister’s eye,” Jesus says there.

The reality, you see, is that none of us as broken and imperfect human beings is worthy of the love of a holy and perfect God.  Consequently, a major message of Lent is that we ALL stand in need of prayer, repentance, and God’s healing and forgiveness.  And the good news is that Lent is also a recognition of God’s power and ability (and desire) to do all of these in our lives!  The ashes that we place on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday are a way of God saying to each one of us, “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18).  The entire Lenten season, in fact, is God’s way of saying that our human brokenness – though significant and deep – is never the end of the story… that His power through Jesus overcomes even our human brokenness and sin.

So, I don’t know what you stand in need of forgiveness from God for in your life today.  Perhaps it’s a spouse or family member who has hurt you that you are holding a grudge against.  Perhaps it’s something you did or said that you know you shouldn’t have done or said.  Perhaps it’s the way you treated a workmate, schoolmate, or fellow member of your church.  Perhaps it’s a feeling of despair or even anger over the recent General Conference decision.  As for me (while much improved)… I still am in need of healing from a hardness of heart I allowed to develop within me from my experiences at a previous church – that is my brokenness.

But whatever it is for you, this Lenten season, I encourage and invite you to allow God to bring you His healing and forgiveness, so that you may be whole once again.  Remember the words of Psalm 51 at the top of this post – God always has “faithful love” and “great compassion” towards us, and that it’s that love and compassion which enables Him to “Wipe away [our] wrongdoings…”, to “wash [us] completely clean of [our] guilt” and to “purify [us] from [our] sin!”

Yes, you and I (and all around us, in the church and outside it) are broken human beings.  However, through Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven, healed and made whole again!  During these next 40 days of Lent, will you claim his wholeness for you? Remember, God loves you and I do, too!