Sunday, November 20, 2011

What I'm Thankful For...

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

This past year I have had much to give God thanks for. Here are just a few. I am thankful...

...for a wife and family who model the love of God by loving me just as I am.

...for parents who raised me in church to love, understand, and eventually follow the ways of God.

...for a church family who loves, supports, and prays for both my family and I daily.

...for fellow staff members who share with me in the cause and work of Christ through our church.

...for church members who pray for Jim, Cindy, Peter and I each week for our worship services.

...for Sunday School and Bible study teachers/leaders who live out their faith in the selfless way they lead and teach.

...for committee and ministry team leaders and members who give “above and beyond” to the work of our church through their committee/group.

...for the “behind-the-scenes” members of our sound and multi-media ministries in the essential work that they do.

...for the members of our praise team, adult, children’s and youth choirs for the blessing and inspiration they share through their music.

...for great volunteers who lovingly help cook, serve, and clean up for both our Wednesday Night Suppers and our Sunday Morning Café.

...for church members who are willing to make God a priority through their financial giving to His church.

...for fellow Christians who’re willing to step outside themselves by participating in a missions or evangelism experience locally or overseas.

Of course, there’s many, many more, but have you “counted your blessings” lately? When you do, I’m sure you’ll find that, like me, you have many things for which to “give thanks.” Let us all strive to live out our thankfulness this Thanksgiving holiday! Remember, God loves you and I do, too!

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