Monday, August 30, 2021

Called to Serve September 12 - SERVE SUNDAY

Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend
the orphan, plead for the widow....” (Isaiah 1:17)

One of our tasks and callings as people of faith is to touch and make a difference in the physical and material lives of people around us in our community and world.  We’re called to follow the example of Christ by serving others, not simply be served ourselves.  Growing up, I remember singing the words to one hymn that put it well:
“Look all around you, find someone in need,
Help somebody today
Tho’ it be little – a neighborly deed,
             Help somebody today!
 Help somebody today, somebody along life’s way;
 Let sorrow be ended, the friendless befriended,
             Oh help somebody today!
                [--“Help Somebody Today” (Cokesbury Hymnal #67), by Frank Breck, 1932]
The founder of Methodism John Wesley is said to have encouraged something similar nearly 200 years before when he wrote the following:
    “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can,
     In all the ways you can, in all the places you can,
     At all the times you can, to all the people you can,
     As long as you ever can.”
That’s why on Sunday, September 12th from 9:00am-12Noon, our church will be doing something different by sharing in something called “Serve Sunday” – an opportunity for our entire church family to participate in various projects that make a difference in the lives of others by serving in various ways.
That day will include a combination of several mission events and projects that we’ve participated separately in in the past on separate days:  Great Day of Service; Rise Against Hunger; UMCOR projects; and others.  This year, we will worship on that day by SERVING others through the various in person or online projects that we’ll have.
While you can certainly just “show up” and do a project that day, your chances of being able to work in the project you want improve if you SIGN UP!  So here is where you can do that…
I hope you’ll join me that day (again, either in person or online) to make a difference in the lives of others on this special day!  Remember, God loves you and I do, too!