Are faith and science mutually exclusive ideas? Or do they complement one another? Do the latest scientific discoveries about our universe, life and medicine threaten religious faith? Or confirm it? Has science moved humanity beyond its need for religious faith (as some have proposed)? Or is faith more important now than ever?
Join me January 9-February 6, 2022 at all our worship services at McKendree United Methodist Church either in-person or online as we explore the relationship between science and Christian faith.
January 9 -- God and Galileo (Acts 17:24-28a)An overview of the relationship between faith and science
January 16 -- God and the Big Bang
(Psalm 19:1-6)
All about our amazing, miraculous universe
All about our amazing, miraculous universe
January 23 -- Adam and Apes (Genesis 1:20-31)
Thoughts on the origins
of humanity January 30 -- Body, Mind & Spirit (Luke 8:43-48)
The connections between faith and medical science
The connections between faith and medical science
February 6 -- ‘New Science’ and the Future of Faith
(Romans 1:19-20a)
The impact of science
on faith
NOTE: An hybrid online/in-person discussion group will be offered each week as a follow-up opportunity for those who desire to dig deeper in each week's topics (visit our church website - linked above - to sign up or find out more)