Sunday, April 6, 2014


“One is tempted by one’s own desire.... Then, when that desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and that sin, when it is fully grown, gives birth to death. Do not be deceived, my beloved.” (James 1:14-16)

I’ve shared this in the past, but as we continue our series on The Lord’s Prayer looking at the dangers of temptation and God’s power to help us overcome it, I thought this poem by Irene Holsted bears repeating (it’s the one I shared at the start of my April 6 sermon):  

            “There came a gentle tapping ‘let me in!’ 
               I opened and beheld a very little sin.
              He entered with apologies and scarcely raised his eyes
              As if abashed to contemplate tempting one so wise.

              I found myself amused at this and set out to explore
              This little cunning sin I’d let inside my door.
              I petted him and teased him & gave him bread & wine,
              Grew fond of him, then adopted him,
               this little sin of mine.

              He twined around my heartstrings & grew so very dear
               I loved him & assured myself he was too small to fear.
              He soon spied out my weakness & therein was the rub,
              He built himself a treadmill, my weakness at the hub.

               With every revolution my darling little sin
               Enlarged himself and multiplied over and over again.
               At last he stooped & lifted me & placed me on his knee,
               Now he is my besetting sin and makes a pet of me.”
                        [--Author Irene Holsted]

My prayer is that whatever “temptation(s)” or “besetting sin(s)” you are facing, you’ll trust Christ to walk with you to victory over them, lest you become a victim of them -- and always remember that I and all of our church’s pastors are available to help you privately and confidentially if you are struggling with something in particular, as well. 
Never forget that God loves you and I do, too (no matter what your “struggle” is)!

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