Saturday, May 9, 2020

Honoring Our Mothers

“‘Honor your father and mother’—this is the first commandment with a promise: ‘so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.’”(Matthew 13:45-46)

The angel shook her head slowly and said, “Six pairs of hands... no way.” “It’s not the hands that are causing me problems,” said the Lord. “It’s the three pairs of eyes that mothers need to have.” “That’s on the standard model?” asked the angel.

The Lord nodded: “One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks ‘What are you kids doing in there?’ when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn’t but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when they goof up and still say ‘I understand and I love you’ without so much as uttering a word.”Come to bed, Lord. You can finish tomorrow,” said the angel, touching God’s sleeve gently. “I can’t,” answered the Lord. “I’m so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she’s sick.... can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger... and can get a seven-year old to stand under a shower.”

The angel circled the model of a mother slowly. “It’s too soft,” she sighed. “But tough!” said the Lord. “You cannot imagine what this mother can do or endure.” “Can it think?” “Not only that, but it can reason and compromise,” said the Creator. Finally the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. “There’s a leak,” she said. “It’s not a leak.... It’s a tear” said the Lord. “What’s it for?”It’s for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness and pride.” “You’re a genius!” said the angel. “Now you know why I want them honored!” replied the Lord.

This Sunday, May 10th (2020) is Mother’s Day, and it’s a great time to thank God for the mothers of our lives – both those who gave us birth, and those are like mothers to us.  Whenever it is that you are reading this, please take time to thank God for your mother!  Remember, we honor God as we honor them!  And never forget that God loves you and I do, too!

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