Wednesday, November 16, 2022

What I'm Thankful For

 “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

This past year I have had much to give God thanks for -- here are just a few.  I am thankful...

...for a wife, Trish, who models the love of God by loving me just as I am, warts and all!

...for our daughter Jennifer, who makes Trish and I proud, not only because of what she does but more importantly because of who she is and the beautiful woman of God she’s become.

…for our son-in-law Zach, who we are proud to call “son” because of the good husband he is for our daughter, and the great father he is for our grandchildren.

…for our granddaughter Hannah who is full of passion for life, compassion for others, and a bubbly spirit at nearly age 8.

...for our granddaughter Hayleigh, who is full of energy, excitement and curiosity about the new world that she is discovering at age 2 1/2. 

...for parents who raised me in church to love, understand, and eventually follow the ways of God.

...for a church family who loves, supports, and prays for both my family and myself daily.

...for all of my fellow staff members – Janet, Andy, Cindy R, Cindy J, Dianna, Dale, Thomas, Rachel, and Nina -- who, together with me, share in the cause and work of Christ through our church.

…for church members who love me in spite of the fact that we sometimes “go over” in Sunday worship due to long-winded preaching!

...for Sunday School, "Disciple" Bible study, and small group facilitators and leaders who live out their faith in the selfless way they teach and/or lead.

...for committee and ministry team chairpersons and members who give “above and beyond” to the work of Christ through their participation in and leadership of our church’s ministries.

...for the “behind-the-scenes” members of our A/V, greeter, usher, and Holy Communion ministries in the essential work that they do.

...for the members of our worship team, adult choir, handbell choir, and children’s choir for the blessing and inspiration they share through their music.

…for the staff of our church nursery who give tirelessly of themselves to make sure our children are safe and happy.

…for the staff and teachers of our Cornerstone Kids Preschool, in keeping us in touch with the needs of the community that we are called to serve.

...for church members who roll up their sleeves and pitch in to be part of "the answer," rather than whining about what someone else is not doing to fix "the problem."

...for church members and friends who are willing to make God a priority through their regular financial giving to His church.

...for fellow Christians who’re willing to step outside themselves by participating in serving and/or sharing ministries both locally, nationally, and overseas.

…most importantly, for God who gave his son for me to give me forgiveness and salvation when I didn’t deserve it, and for giving me life and hope in the midst of a hectic and mixed up world!

Of course, there’s many, many more, but have you “counted your blessings” lately?  When you do, I’m sure you’ll find that, like me, you have many things for which to “give thanks.”  This Thanksgiving holiday and for the entire month of November, I invite you to join me in striving to live out our thankfulness!  Remember, God loves you and I do, too!


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