Monday, March 13, 2023

What's YOUR "Wrap"?

In my March 19, 2023 sermon, I used the encounter with Jesus in the story of him raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:32-45) to talk about the various things that "wrap us up" and keep us from being who God wants us to be.  What you find below is the content of the "What's Your Wrap?" handout that I provided for in-person worshippers to complete that day.  

As you read this online, I invite you either to print this post out and then to circle (or separately to write down) the item(s) you feel are binding you up in your life... things that are keeping you from being the person that God wants you to be.  So, what is it that you are "wrapped up" by?

☹ Stress and Worry? ...About your job, family, marriage, children, finances, friendships, etc.

☹ Fear? ...Of failure, illness, success, loneliness, the unknown, the future, the present, the past

☹ Memories? ...Painful memories of tragedies, personal mistakes, or hurt caused by others

☹ Harmful, Unhealthy Attitudes? ...Such as anger, bitterness, apathy, unforgiveness, un-dealt-with grief, etc.

☹ Illness or sickness? ...Is it a chronic illness or medical issue that is preventing you from reaching your potential for God?

☹ Grief? ...Is grief over the loss of a loved one, friend, job, marriage, or even a pet hindering your walk with God? 

☹ Destructive, Unhealthy Behaviors? ...Bad habits and/or addictions to things like smoking, abusive drinking of alcohol, drugs, pornography / sexual addiction, gambling, overeating

☹ Selfishness? ...Which can include pride/arrogance (too high a view of ourselves = a refusal to allow God to keep us humble), low self-esteem (too low a view of ourselves = a refusal to see ourselves as God’s sees us, as His child), materialism (too attached to “things”) and  perfectionism (setting standards for ourselves or others too high)

☹ Smugness/comfortableness ? The mentality “it’s the way I’ve always done things” and “it’s just the way I am” can sometimes reveal that our own comfort is more important than the doing of God’s will and God’s way

☹ Prejudice and/or Jealousy? ...Towards people or persons who look, dress, act, or think differently than you.  If followed to their ultimate end, these can lead to hate and violence

☹ Other? _______________________________________________________________ 

After you've circled or written down the item(s) you feel have gotten you "all wrapped up," at some appropriate time, take them outside and burn the paper as a sign that you're committing them to God for Him to bring about healing and resurrection in your life.

Always remember that God loves you and I do, too!

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