Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The First Step

“The Lord said to Abram, ‘Leave your country…’” (Genesis 12:1)

The following was a devotional from the Upper Room Devotional Guide that I am passing on as a reminder of the importance of letting God guide us in all “new” things in life, whether it be a new year, a new job, new relationship, or something else….

“’Watch that first step!’ my friend cautioned as I approached the stairway.  ‘It’s taller than the rest.’  First steps are often the hardest -- whether it’s starting a new school, tackling an overdue project, or beginning something God nudges us to do.  Fortunately, the Bible is filled with numerous examples of people who stepped out in faith and accomplished great things for God.  Abram walked away from his homeland for a new country and become the father of many nations (Genesis 12:1-4).  Ruth journeyed with Naomi and became an ancestor of the Savior (Ruth 1:16-17).  Jesus traveled a path that led first to death but ultimately to resurrection (Matthew 28:1-7).

What first step are you facing? Is it giving up an old habit?  Looking for a new job?  Finding new friends?  Reconciling with a family member?  Accepting God’s call to serve in the church?  As we approach any first step, we can find courage in remembering that we don’t take it alone.  God strengthens and supports us as we continue the journey, step by step!     
[--Phyllis Wezeman, writing for The Upper Room devotional magazine, Nov. 2, 2002]

As we begin a new year, my prayer is that you will remember the power and presence of God in all the “first steps” you may be taking!  And always remember that God loves you and I do, too!