Thursday, January 30, 2025

2024 State of the Church Report

 “And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47)

One of the responsibilities that all United Methodist churches have at the first of each year is to give a statistical accounting of their annual ministry.  As this data was prepared for our “2024 End-of-Year Report” to the North Georgia Annual Conference, I thought you might be interested in what I consider to be some of the highlights for Cornerstone UMC (percentages represent growth since the previous year):

            • Total number of new members in 2024:  9

            • New members joining in 2024 by profession or reaffirmation                                                 of Christian faith: 3

 • Number of persons baptized (all ages):  1

            • Net growth of CUMC church membership in 2024:  +2

            • Church membership as of December 31, 2024: 1079

            • Average attendance for worship services during 2024:

--In-person: 155 (+17%)

--Online:  63 (+15%)

--TOTAL: 218 (+16.5%)

            • Average attendance in all Sunday School classes and small groups

during 2024: 112

• Number of participants at children’s Vacation Bible School:  120 (+9%)

            • Number of persons engaged in mission/community ministries:                                         110 (+47%)

            • Number of persons served by community ministries of outreach,                                     justice and mercy: 1175 (+18%)

• Total number of family units financially supporting our church’s mission

and ministry: 173 (+5%)

            • Total income received for ministry in 2024:  $598,559 (+13%)

            • Amount spent in 2024 on program ministry and operational expenses

(excludes salaries): $138,999 (+9%)

            • Amount given during 2024 for local, state, and world mission                                             ministry: $58,142

            • Current value of all church-owned buildings & property: $2,492,000

            • Principal and interest paid on indebtedness: $99,674 (+131%)

            • Debt remaining on current physical buildings & assets: $255,326

 Many thanks to both Janet Poulsen and Nina Stubbs for collecting this information and especially to Janet for preparing and submitting it all to the Conference!  As you can see, the statistics reveal that our church is once again on a path of steady growth!  If you haven’t already, I pray that in this new year, you and your family will not only “get in” on what God is doing in our midst but will invite others to be part of it as we seek to “reflect the love of Jesus” to our community and world across all generations!  Remember that God loves you and I do, too!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

There's A Light At the End of the Tunnel

Sickness, violence, accidents, and natural disasters… do you sometimes wonder where God is in the midst of these?  If God is good, then why do bad things happen?  When we pray, is God really listening?  How does God really work in our world?  Do you ever just wonder WHY?  

If so, then there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for you!  Join us January 12-February 23 in worship both in-person and online as we share in a new worship series called “Where is God When...?” exploring questions for God in the midst of suffering, tragedy and evil.

January 12 -- Cancer and Car Wrecks (Disease and Accidents)

January 19 -- Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and other ‘Acts of God’ (Natural Disasters)

February 2 -- Gun Violence and The Holocaust (Human Violence and Evil)

February 9 -- When Prayer ‘Doesn’t Work’ (God’s answers)

February 23 -- How God Really Works In Our World  (the nature of divine Providence)

Always remember that God loves you and I do, too!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The First Step

“The Lord said to Abram, ‘Leave your country…’” (Genesis 12:1)

The following was a devotional from the Upper Room Devotional Guide that I am passing on as a reminder of the importance of letting God guide us in all “new” things in life, whether it be a new year, a new job, new relationship, or something else….

“’Watch that first step!’ my friend cautioned as I approached the stairway.  ‘It’s taller than the rest.’  First steps are often the hardest -- whether it’s starting a new school, tackling an overdue project, or beginning something God nudges us to do.  Fortunately, the Bible is filled with numerous examples of people who stepped out in faith and accomplished great things for God.  Abram walked away from his homeland for a new country and become the father of many nations (Genesis 12:1-4).  Ruth journeyed with Naomi and became an ancestor of the Savior (Ruth 1:16-17).  Jesus traveled a path that led first to death but ultimately to resurrection (Matthew 28:1-7).

What first step are you facing? Is it giving up an old habit?  Looking for a new job?  Finding new friends?  Reconciling with a family member?  Accepting God’s call to serve in the church?  As we approach any first step, we can find courage in remembering that we don’t take it alone.  God strengthens and supports us as we continue the journey, step by step!     
[--Phyllis Wezeman, writing for The Upper Room devotional magazine, Nov. 2, 2002]

As we begin a new year, my prayer is that you will remember the power and presence of God in all the “first steps” you may be taking!  And always remember that God loves you and I do, too!